The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has once again named liposuction as the most popular cosmetic surgical procedure today, with about 325,000 liposuction procedures performed in 2022. Surgical Liposuction has been a body sculpting staple for decades, but advancements are always chiseling the landscape of aesthetic surgery. VASER liposuction (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) has emerged as a compelling alternative to the traditional tumescent technique. But which reigns supreme in the body contouring arena? Let’s examine their strengths and weaknesses to guide your surgical approach.

Tumescent Liposuction: The OG

Traditional liposuction remains the gold standard for fat removal and boasts a well-established track record with decades of success. The tumescent technique involves injecting a saline solution with lidocaine and epinephrine to numb the area and constrict blood vessels. It is particularly suited for comprehensive body reshaping where precise fat extraction is less critical than volume reduction. Despite its effectiveness in significant fat removal, it comes with drawbacks such as potential for uneven results, longer recovery periods and a higher risk of tissue trauma.

VASER Liposuction: A More Precise Chisel

VASER takes a gentler approach. Ultrasound technology liquefies fat cells before suction removal, minimizing trauma and bleeding. This translates to potentially faster recovery times, less bruising and smoother skin retraction. Additionally, VASER’s targeted approach may allow for better fat preservation for fat grafting procedures, a popular add-on for buttock augmentation or facial rejuvenation. According to a study in the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery journal, VASER liposuction allows surgeons to address superficial fat plane and offer enhanced skin tightening, with a rate of complications lower than that of traditional liposuction with equivalent or higher patient satisfaction.

VASER’s precision makes it ideal for delicate areas like the neck, arms and ankles. It’s also a strong contender for patients seeking minimal downtime and smoother results. However, VASER may not be the most cost-effective option, and the technology might not be readily available in all practices.

The Verdict? Tailoring Your Technique

Both VASER and traditional liposuction have their merits. The key lies in understanding their nuances to match the patient’s needs and your practice capabilities.

Consultation is key in optimizing desired results. Discuss desired outcomes, downtime tolerance, and budget with your patients to inform your best approach. Consider VASER for delicate areas, smoother results desired, minimal downtime preferred. Consider traditional routes for larger volumes of fat removal and for a more cost-effective option.

Here are a few more considerations:

  • Invest in Training: Mastery of VASER technology demands specific training and practice. Investing in this knowledge can significantly broaden your surgical repertoire and patient satisfaction.
  • Set Realistic Expectations: Communicating the potential outcomes and limitations of each technique ensures patient satisfaction and trust. Highlight the quicker recovery times and reduced discomfort associated with VASER as compared to traditional methods.

As with all surgical techniques, the choice between VASER and traditional liposuction should be tailored to each patient’s needs, ensuring outcomes that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also aligned with their expectations and lifestyle. Remember, both techniques are powerful tools in your aesthetic surgery arsenal. By understanding their strengths and weaknesses, you can craft the perfect body contouring strategy for each patient.

SOURCES: Tumescent.orgIndian journal of plastic surgery : official publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of IndiaASPSAesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal