As the aesthetics industry continues to evolve at a rapid pace, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Attending industry events is more than just a networking opportunity; it’s a chance to gain invaluable insights, discover groundbreaking techniques, and forge lasting connections with like-minded professionals at the helm of innovation. This winter, mark your calendar for these must-attend events in aesthetics, where you might just uncover the next practice pearl to elevate your business or sharpen your surgical skills. 

November 2024 Events

IMCAS Academy Webinar: Use of PRP & PRF in Regenerative Medicine  

  • Date: November 20, 2024 
  • Format: Virtual 
  • Why Attend: Gain insights into the latest applications of PRP and PRF in regenerative medicine from leading experts. 

CSAPS 2024 Annual Meeting  

  • Date: November 21-24, 2024 
  • Location: Montreal, QC 
  • Why Attend: Network with top plastic surgeons, learn about the latest advancements in surgical and non-surgical techniques, and gain valuable insights from renowned speakers like Dr. Holly Wall, Dr. Kiya Movassaghi, Dr. Chris Surek, Dr. Sherrell Aston, Dr. Jeffrey Kenkel, and Dr. Doug Steinbrech. 

NYRSPS Annual Meeting  

  • Date: November 23, 2024 
  • Location: New York, NY 
  • Why Attend: Explore trending topics in plastic surgery, including rhinoplasty, body contouring, facial rejuvenation, and more. 

December 2024 

4S Summit  

  • Date: December 5-8, 2024 
  • Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL 
  • Why Attend: Learn how to optimize your practice’s strategy, systems, sales, and skills to achieve significant growth and profitability. Gain actionable insights to streamline operations, enhance marketing strategies, and improve patient satisfaction. 

Florida Plastic Surgery Forum  

  • Date: December 12-15, 2024 
  • Location: Palm Beach, FL 
  • Why Attend: Network with fellow Florida plastic surgeons and gain insights from industry leaders. 

January 2025

Behind the Syringe: Beauty of Injectables Virtual Symposium  

  • Date: January 11, 2025 
  • Format: Virtual 
  • Why Attend: Enhance your injection techniques and stay updated on the latest advancements in facial fillers and neurotoxins. 

American-Brazilian Aesthetic Meeting (ABAM)  

  • Date: January 16-20, 2025 
  • Location: Park City, UT 
  • Why Attend: Experience an international exchange of knowledge in aesthetic surgery and learn from renowned experts in the field. 

IMCAS World Congress 2025  

  • Date: January 30-February 1, 2025 
  • Location: Paris, France 
  • Why Attend: Immerse yourself in the latest trends and innovations in medical aesthetics, network with global experts, and explore the latest technologies and products. 

By prioritizing attendance at industry events like these, you’ll not only stay ahead of the curve but also inspire your practice to new heights. Connect with industry leaders, explore cutting-edge techniques, and ultimately enhance the patient experience. Don’t miss your chance to shape the future of aesthetic medicine this winter. What events will you be attending?