When it comes to growing purchasing power and a taste for aesthetics, Gen Z has entered the chat. Plugged-in Gen Z, now aged 11 to 26, has a growing understanding and demand for aesthetic possibilities and procedures. According to a recent survey of American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS), 77% of cosmetic surgeons believe there will be a surge in preventative treatments starting in the 20s and 30s to forestall signs of aging.

“This generation is growing up with a greater awareness of what is possible when it comes to aesthetic treatments thanks to the normalization online,” says Sherard A. Tatum, President of the AAFPRS. “Rapid advances in non-invasive treatments and technologies allow younger patients entry into aesthetics with very little pain and downtime, making it more attractive to a larger patient pool.”

Supporting this, statistics show 83% of procedures performed in 2023 were minimally invasive (compared to 17% surgical), with neurotoxins, fillers, and topical treatments like microneedling and chemical peels being the most popular. Notably, rhinoplasty remains the top surgical request for patients under 34.