Embark on a luxurious learning adventure aboard The Aesthetic Cruise 2024. This exclusive event, hosted by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (The Aesthetic Society) and held July 11-23, combines cutting-edge CME with the unparalleled beauty of a cruise vacation.
Earn CME Credits in Paradise
- 18.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™, including patient safety credits, await you.
- Renowned faculty will present in-depth lectures on advanced surgical techniques
- Interactive sessions allow you to ask questions and refine your skills.
Sharpen Your Surgical Techniques
This CME-accredited event offers a comprehensive learning experience designed to elevate your skills and refine your practice across various areas of aesthetic surgery. Level up your expertise in:
- Facial Rejuvenation: Master advanced facelift techniques, explore minimally invasive neck contouring options, and delve into the latest post-operative management strategies.
- Body Sculpting: Gain insights into advancements in body contouring, safety protocols, and differentiation strategies to set your practice apart.
- Breast Augmentation and Reconstruction: Explore innovative approaches, implant strategies, and long-term solutions for optimal patient outcomes.
- Non-Surgical Applications: Learn how to effectively integrate non-surgical treatments like
This program is designed to benefit aesthetic surgeons at all stages of their careers, from those seeking to refine core techniques to those interested in exploring cutting-edge advancements.
Beyond the Classroom
- Network with colleagues from across the country during social events and receptions.
- Unwind and recharge with stunning ocean views and onboard amenities.
- Bring your family for a memorable vacation combined with professional development.
Space is limited! Visit the website to register and secure your spot on this extraordinary voyage.