The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) remains the deadliest cosmetic surgery in the US, despite efforts to improve safety. A recent study sheds light on how plastic surgeons view BBL risks and safety practices.

Here are some key findings:

  • Ultrasound underuse: Nearly half of BBL-performing surgeons don’t use ultrasound, a tool crucial for safe fat injection.
  • Resistance to regulations: Most surgeons oppose mandatory ultrasound use, citing their experience as sufficient.
  • Shifting blame: Surgeons point to high-volume, budget clinics and lack of regulatory oversight as the main culprits in BBL deaths.

What It Means for Aesthetic Surgeons

These findings raise concerns about the current approach to BBL safety. Here’s what it means for aesthetic surgeons:

  • Re-evaluate safety protocols: Consider incorporating ultrasound routinely in BBL procedures to minimize fat injection risks.
  • Embrace new safety measures: Educational outreach and training in ultrasound usage are crucial for BBL safety.
  • Advocate for stricter regulations: Support legislation targeting high-volume clinics with lax safety standards.

Beyond the Study

While the study focuses on surgeon perspectives, it highlights the need for a multi-pronged approach to BBL safety. Collaboration between surgeons, regulatory bodies, and medical associations can help to:

  • Standardize BBL training: Ensure all BBL surgeons have the necessary skills and knowledge for safe fat transfer techniques.
  • Increase patient awareness: Educate patients about BBL risks and the importance of board-certified surgeons and accredited facilities.

BBL safety is a shared responsibility. By working together, we can minimize risks and ensure the safety of this popular procedure.